Granted applications 2022

Artificial Intelligence in Oncology - Supporting scientific research

More than € 4,4 million granted for the 4th Hanarth Fonds call!

The Hanarth Fonds received 37 financing applications during the 2022 call. Following a careful assessment process, it has been determined that in 2023, 11 projects and 2 fellowships will be funded by the Hanarth Fonds.

The Scientific Advisory Board (WAR) and expert (international) reviewers have assessed the proposals on criteria such as feasibility and quality of the proposal, the experience of the applicant and whether the application is in accordance with the purpose of the Hanarth Fonds. Based on all assessments, the Hanarth Fonds Board has made a well-considered financing decision.


Granted research projects 2022

Below you will find the research projects that have been granted funding and a link to the summaries of these projects.